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Version: 0.1.0


By default kunai does not log all events it can monitor, so if you want to unlock the full potential of the tool, you need to configure it through a configuration file.

In order to generate a default configuration file for kunai use the following command line.

./kunai --dump-config
Default configuration

Using --dump-config option gives you a view on the default configuration of the tool when ran without setting -c --config option

Configuration File

// where the events should be written
output = "/dev/stdout"

// this is the maximum number of events that can be stored in the
// buffer used by the eBPF probes. This limit might need to be increased
// if events get lost (very likely due to a high troughput).
// NB: increasing this limit also increase the memory used by kunai
max_buffered_events = 1024

name = "execve"
enable = true

name = "execve_script"
enable = true

// corresponds to tasks being scheduled, it is used to gather
// correlation information and not display events per se
name = "task_sched"
enable = true

name = "exit"
enable = true

name = "exit_group"
enable = true

name = "init_module"
enable = true

name = "bpf_prog_load"
enable = true

name = "mprotect_exec"
enable = true

name = "mmap_exec"
enable = true

name = "connect"
enable = true

name = "dns_query"
enable = true

name = "send_data"
enable = true

name = "mount"
enable = true

// disabled by default as it generates a large amount of events
name = "read"
enable = false

name = "read_config"
enable = true

// disabled by default as it generates a large amount of events
name = "write"
enable = false

name = "write_config"
enable = true

name = "file_rename"
enable = true

Configuration is very basic for the moment, any sort of advanced filtering will be implemented later in the project.

Advanced CLI usage

Some of the configuration options can be set directly from CLI.

Usage: kunai [OPTIONS]

Enable debugging
-c, --config <FILE>
Specify a configuration file to use. Command line options superseed the ones specified in the configuration file.
Prints a default configuration to stdout
--exclude <EXCLUDE>
Exclude events by name (comma separated)
--include <INCLUDE>
Include events by name (comma separated). Superseeds any exclude filter.
--max-buffered-events <MAX_BUFFERED_EVENTS>
Increase the size of the buffer shared between eBPF probes and userland
-v, --verbose...
Set verbosity level, repeat option for more verbosity.
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
  • CLI options override configuration file options
  • you can used --include all or --exclude all to respectively include or exclude all events