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Version: 0.5.0

Configuration with Rules

Using Kunai to monitor every single event happening on a system is nice as it gives a very deep insight of what is going on. However, this approach generates loads of events. While it might be the way to go for some Kunai users, some others might be interested into detecting only very specific events (based on configurable rules) and show only those ones. This is exactly the topic we are going to tackle in this section of the documentation.


When Kunai is configured with some detection/filtering rules, ONLY the events matching at least one rule will be shown.

If an event is not desired prefer disabling it in configuration rather than filtering it out, it will save resources.


We intentionally do not go too deep into the rule format as it will be part of a dedicated documentation in the gene-rs project

Detection Rules

Detection rules are made to detect suspicious/malicious security events happening on a running system.


detection rules will make modifications to the matching events to provide information about the matching rule(s)


Here after you can find an example of a detection rule to detect an execve event with a task name looking like a typical Linux kernel task name. This is a technique sometimes used by malware to hide themselves.

# name of the rule
name: mimic.kthread
# default type is detection so the following line is not mandatory
type: detection
# metadata information
# tags of the rule
tags: [ 'os:linux' ]
attack: [ T1036 ]
# authors of the rule
authors: [ qjerome ]
# comments about the rule
- tries to catch binaries masquerading kernel threads
# acts as a pre-filter to speed up engine
# we match on kunai execve and execve_script events
kunai: [execve, execve_script]
# 0x200000 is the flag for KTHREAD
$task_is_kthread: .info.task.flags &= '0x200000'
# common kthread names
$kthread_names: ~= '^(kworker)'
# if task is NOT a KTHREAD but we have a name that
# looks like one we want the rule to kick-in
condition: not $task_is_kthread and $kthread_names
# severity is bounded to 10 so it is the maximum score
severity: 10

If you want to try the above rule and see how Kunai behaves when loaded with detection rules, you can do it easily:

  1. dump the above rule in a file
  2. run sudo kunai -r path_to_your_file
  3. open another terminal and trigger the rule by executing cp /usr/bin/ls /tmp/kworker && /tmp/kworker

If you have made the experiment, you may have noted that when the rule matches the event is modified and contains a new section named detection.

View modified event

"data": {
"ancestors": "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd|/usr/bin/login|/usr/bin/zsh|/usr/bin/bash|/usr/bin/xinit|/usr/bin/i3|/usr/bin/bash|/usr/bin/urxvt|/usr/bin/zsh",
"parent_exe": "/usr/bin/zsh",
"command_line": "/tmp/kworker",
"exe": {
"path": "/tmp/kworker",
"md5": "5a657abb15a5c469936ec86f420f7b39",
"sha1": "5d08746413e0e5f3242fe768266e39796007ca2d",
"sha256": "b97ab6fabafba27199d50a190a2ad6513ccf8ee722558e86d2a45fd2ac535c67",
"sha512": "eed4577694e87932beff79898f7abe5dfb672b7d4d4c02a57d86f96f62826f92bdd1514c80e0329d4f9861946cfb80563584074d64fbaf4ce2ee386f28d55433",
"size": 137848
"detection": {
"rules": [
"tags": [
"attack": [
"severity": 10
"info": {
"event": {
"source": "kunai",
"id": 1,
"name": "execve",
"uuid": "d21cc4e6-35f9-4193-e879-84fdd4ce74f3",
"batch": 12
"task": {
"name": "kworker",
"pid": 1368247,
"tgid": 1368247,
"guuid": "2d83bc47-d838-0300-a6a2-85b0b7e01400",
"uid": 1000,
"gid": 1000,
"namespaces": {
"mnt": 4026531841
"flags": "0x400000"
"parent_task": {
"name": "zsh",
"pid": 302186,
"tgid": 302186,
"guuid": "1ce53685-7339-0000-a6a2-85b06a9c0400",
"uid": 1000,
"gid": 1000,
"namespaces": {
"mnt": 4026531841
"flags": "0x400000"
"utc_time": "2023-12-11T10:04:49.301495661Z"

  • if several rules match a single event, rule name(s) will appear in .detection.rules
  • matching rules' tags and attack (MITRE ATT&CK) ids will stack up respectively in .detection.tags and .detection.attack
  • severities of rules matching are summed and put in .detection.severity. Severity is bounded to 10.

Filtering Rules

Filtering rules on the other hand are made to select the logs we want Kunai to show. With those you can be very granular on the kind of logs you want to filter in/out. The difference between a detection and a filtering rule is very little, it is just a switch to toggle in the rule.


Events matching ONLY filtering rules will be shown as is, which means that there will not be any detection section in the event.


Let's design a filtering rule to log every mprotect_exec event but the ones made by a browser. Indeed any software using JIT is very likely to turn some memory pages protection to execute code.


mprotect_exec are interesting events to detect dynamic code execution, such as shellcode. However, those events may be very noisy if you have a browser running or any application making extensive use of JIT. So the following example can be used as a base for a custom configuration to observe unknown mprotect_exec events.

name: log.mprotect_exec
# type to set to use the rule as a filter
type: filter
# applies on kunai mprotect_exec
kunai: [ mprotect_exec ]
# exe matches regex
$browser: .data.exe.path ~= '/usr/lib/(firefox/firefox|chromium/chromium)'
# if exe is neither firefox nor chromium
condition: not $browser
  • Adapt the $browser match if needed
  • You can try to reverse the condition (remove not) and see the difference

In case several filtering rules are specified, it is a OR relationship between them. This means, if a rule is supposed to exclude an event but another includes it, the event will be shown. So for filtering rules it is a good practice to create one rule per event type we want to include.

Realistic Example

Let's create a filtering configuration that logs everything except some noisy events.

name: include.all.but.noisy
type: filter
# we can put - in front of the events we don't want this rule
# to apply on. The following means, everything except
# mprotect_exec and prctl
kunai: [ '-mprotect_exec', '-prctl' ]
# rule with no condition always returns true


# Rules have OR relationship between them so here after we keep
# ONLY some specific mprotect_exec we want to see, all others
# being excluded by the rule above
name: log.mprotect_exec
type: filter
# applies on kunai mprotect_exec
kunai: [ mprotect_exec ]
# exe matches regex
$browser: .data.exe.path ~= '/usr/lib/(firefox/firefox|chromium/chromium)'
# if exe is neither firefox nor chromium
condition: not $browser

Rule Composition

Rules can be composed of other rules to simplify their creation, reduce redundancy, and improve performance:

  • Modularity:
    • Define a rule once and reuse it in multiple composite rules.
    • Fixing a single base rule is easier than updating several duplicates.
  • Simplicity:
    • Splitting complex logic into smaller, reusable rules makes them easier to understand and maintain.
  • Performance:
    • A rule can only match an event once, making it more efficient than duplicating frequent matches across multiple rules.

Rules used in others can be of type detection, filter, or dependency.

A dependency rule has the following properties:

  1. It must be loaded prior to the rules using it.
  2. It matches only when referenced in another rule.
  3. Its tags, severity, and actions sections are ignored and do not affect scan results.


# we define here a dependency rule
# NB: if this rule is used in several others it will
# be evaluated only once per event scanned.
# rule type to make the rule a dependency
type: dependency
$a: .data.ancestors ~= '\|(/tmp/|/dev/shm/|/run/|/var/(run|lock)/)\|?'
$p: .data.exe.path ~= '^(/tmp/|/dev/shm/|/run/|/var/(run|lock)/)'
# $a is the slowest so run last
condition: $p or $a


# we define a detection rule
name: run.tmpfs
tags: [ 'os:linux' ]
attack: [ T1027.011 ]
authors: [ qjerome ]
- if something is running in tmpfs it is suspicious and we should stack up
# we use the dependency we just defined above
$t: rule(
condition: $t
severity: 2

Trigger Actions on Events

It is possible to tell Kunai to take actions on some events. Actions can be defined both in filtering and detection rules. The only difference is that some actions are not supported for filtering rules. For example it is not allowed to use a kill action within a filtering rule.

To list the available actions as well as their description, run:

kunai config --list-actions

Example: Kill a Process

# this is a condensed version of the rule defined previously
# killing the process instead of letting it run
name: mimic.kthread
kunai: [execve, execve_script]
$task_is_kthread: .info.task.flags &= '0x200000'
$kthread_names: ~= '^(kworker)'
condition: not $task_is_kthread and $kthread_names
severity: 10
actions: [ kill ]
  1. dump the rule in a file rule.yaml
  2. run kunai with kunai run -r rule.yaml
  3. open another terminal and trigger the rule by executing cp /usr/bin/ls /tmp/kworker && /tmp/kworker -R /
  4. observe the following:
    • a kunai event is generated as it comes from a detection
    • a warning log is printed showing a process got killed
    • our fake malicious process has been killed

Use kill action with extreme care! Kunai runs with high privileges and can kill any process.

Use it only if you are sure there is no false positives to the detection rule.

Example: Scan Files

Similarly one can decide to scan files on-demand. There are two possibilities currently supported for file scanning:

  1. Kunai has been configured to load Yara rules
    • a file_scan event will be generated with .data.signatures containing any Yara signature match and .data.positives indicating the number of matching rules
  2. Kunai has not been configured to load Yara rules
    • in such case a file_scan event will be generated but .data.signature field will always be empty and .data.positives will always be 0. This options might be interesting if one wants to get metadata information of some files without the burden of Yara file scanning.

When a file scan is issued any path contained in the event is scanned. So in most of the cases it will result in several file_scan events being generated.

# this rule scans any bash script written on disk
name: scan.any.bash.script.write
type: filter
kunai: [ write_close ]
$bash_ext: .data.path ~= '\.sh$'
condition: all of them
actions: [ scan-files ]


name: show.file_scan
kunai: [ file_scan ]

To test the above rule:

  1. write the above rule in a file /tmp/scan.yaml
  2. Run kunai with write_close events enabled and load the rule file
kunai run --include write_close -r /tmp/scan.yaml
  1. Drop a bash script somewhere and execute it
echo "ls -hail" > /tmp/ && chmod +x /tmp/ && /tmp/
  1. observe that two file_scan events got printed

To scan dropped files you must use write_close events as those indicate the file has been closed and de-facto cannot be written again until it gets re-opened.

Memo about Kunai Rules

  1. rules are written in YAML
  2. several rules can be defined in a single file (see YAML documents)
    • put a line with --- before rule starts and a line with ... after rule ends
  3. one can use Kunai with rules either from config or from cli
  4. a rule can be one of these types detection,filter or dependency
    • detection rules output event with detection information in .detection section
    • filter rules output event as is
    • dependency rule are evaluated only when used in other rule types
  5. match-on section is very important as it allows to quickly filter events
  6. every match in matches must be in the form $VAR_NAME: FIELD_PATH OPERATOR 'VALUE'
    • FIELD_PATHfield's absolute path starting with ., separated by .
      • == : equality operator
      • >=, <=, >, < : comparison operators VALUE must be a number
      • &= : flag checking operator VALUE must be a number
      • ~= : regex operator VALUE must be a string regex following syntax
    • every field value found at FIELD_PATH is expected to be of the same type than VALUE
  7. condition defines the logic to apply on the matches:
    • not, and and or keywords
    • support for aggregated notation:
      • all of them: all the variable must be true
      • all of $VAR_PREFIX: all variables starting with VAR_PREFIX must be true
      • N of them: N variables must be true
      • N of $VAR_PREFIX: N variables starting with VAR_PREFIX must be true
      • none of them: None of the variables must be true (all false)
      • none of $VAR_PREFIX: None of the variables starting with VAR_PREFIX must be true