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Version: Unstable

Builtin IoC matching

IoC (Indicator of Compromise) scanning results from the same motivation behind detection rules. It addresses the need to log only events matching specific IoCs. Even though one can match IoC with detection rules it is not very convenient to manage for lots of IoCs and even less to automate. The other difference is on the resource management aspect. Detection rules has some non negligible processing/memory cost to work properly (find the rules to apply and then match against fields). On the other hand, IoC matching is reduced to a lookup in a set, so it is much more cpu and memory efficient.

When should I use IoC scanning ?

  • When you have lots of IoCs
  • When you do not need to match IoCs against regex (use detection rules)

When Kunai is configured to match against IoCs, ONLY the events matching one or more IoCs will be shown.

More context

If one wants to log some other events to bring contextual information to the IoC matches, it is possible to do so by configuring log filtering

How does it work ?

Every Kunai event will see some of its fields systematically checked against IoCs. Basically, any field containing one of the following data types is checked against the IoC database loaded in memory:

Kunai data typescover IoC type
pathabsolute path
md5, sha1, sha256, sha512hash
domain / fqdndomain / fqdn
IP addressIPv4 / IPv6


In order to configure IoCs to be matched with Kunai one simply has to create a file with one JSON document per line following that format

{"uuid": "ioc_uuid", "source":"Some IoC source", "value":"ioc_value"}

Having such a minimal format makes the IoC creation trivial from almost any source while keeping context.


Assuming the following IoC configuration file

{"uuid": "81050c82-68a5-4130-a56d-a465c8337066", "source":"Example", "value":""}
{"uuid": "dd19ecd1-8237-427a-9b1d-35ff7d17381f", "source":"Example", "value":""}

One can configure Kunai to take this file either via configuration file or via command line flag

Letting Kunai (configured with this file) run does not output any event until we actually try to connect to domain. When that happens, we should see an event arriving on our output with an additional .detection section, itself containing information about the IoCs matching the event. You might also notice that a severity also gets attributed to the event.

"data": {
"ancestors": "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd|/usr/bin/login|/usr/bin/zsh|/usr/bin/bash|/usr/bin/xinit|/usr/bin/i3",
"command_line": "/usr/lib/firefox/firefox",
"exe": {
"file": "/usr/lib/firefox/firefox"
"query": "",
"proto": "udp",
"response": "",
"dns_server": {
"ip": "",
"port": 53,
"public": false,
"is_v6": false
"detection": {
"iocs": [
"severity": 10
"info": {
"host": "...",
"event": {
"source": "kunai",
"id": 61,
"name": "dns_query",
"uuid": "9afe70fe-b763-8363-8ecc-02e73f990154",
"batch": 91
"task": "...",
"parent_task": "...",
"utc_time": "2024-02-13T12:00:57.596505416Z"

Maximal severity score is attributed to any event matching IoCs and this is not configurable.